Again, I had a few minutes tonight to sit and read the blogs and tweets from other StrollerFit owners. Here is a few great tips that I wanted to share:
1. As a Mom you MUST take time for yourself. We all take care of the kid(s), the hubby, the animals, the house and anything else we can. We sometimes even have a moment to help a friend in need, even if it is to make them laugh when they are sad. I know my Strollerfit and Restore the Core moms come to class to have an hour to take care of themselves. Some do it for fitness, some do it to get out of the house and be with other moms who are going thru what they are and who will understand whatever they are going thru and others come for many different reasons. But whatever reason you come, keep coming thru the holidays when life gets busy. But remember you need to take time for yourslef, if it is not at class, then read a book while the baby is naping or chat with a friend, or bundle the kids and go for a long walk. Whatever you do, please remember to take sometime for yourself daily.
I spoke to a mom today who said she needs to get out of the house and be around others. She is having a rough time being home with her child all day. I reminder her, even if Strolelrfit does not fit her schedule, call or send an email, to meet for walks or lunch or come for a baby playdate so she can get out of the house. as winter is impending, we need to remember we need to get out for our sanity and our children.
2. We have Started the "Fitness Takes No Holiday" Challenge and the points are racking up,(
Bonus points for thursday, where or have your child wear something with a Sesame Street character to Signify Sesame Street Turning 40.) Here is something to think about. We started this challeneg to help get through the holidays with out gaining the holiday weight. Did you know the average american gains 4 pounds from Halloween thru New Years. The key word here is average, I would like to be above average and not gain, I really would like to keep losing, but I am ok with maintaining.
So what can we do to make the jeans you are wearing today fit or even better be too big come January 1st. For starters, instead of a New Years Resolution, how about a Holiday Season Promise to Yourself. Mine is to keep tracking all the foods I eat and try to add 15-30 minutes to my daily workout. From now thru January 1st, I am going to offer to my StrolelrFit classes an extra 30 minutes to the workout if they like. It will be 30 minutes of Cardio before the regular class starts. It maybe walking the hills around the class location or somethins else. Let me know who is in for this. We will start Friday at 9 AM.
Here are a few tips from Wendi H, another StrolelrFit owner, in California:
•Make sure you do both cardio and strength training. The combination will burn off calories and increase your metabolism – a great one-two punch for fighting that increase in calories. Head to your local StrollerFit® class to get both cardio and strength all in one workout!
• Sign up for a holiday sporting event. Runs and walks abound, and you can turn it into a family tradition. Or make a good game of touch football a staple of your family gatherings. anyone one to join me for the Turkey Trot in Whitinsville, Thanksgiving AM? I am going to train in the afternoons, if anyone wants to join me, t, th and f.
• No time for fitness on the holidays themselves? Enjoy your day of rest but have scheduled in a workout time for the days following. How about also, trying a DVD on the holiday AM, before the rest of the family wakes up.
• Check out StrollerFit’s new class restore the core™, not only will it shrink your waistline this holiday season but also teaches participants to breathe properly and maintain good posture. Proper breathing relieves stress and good posture will make all of those holiday photo ops a little less painful!
• Join forces with a buddy or a relative who needs a little positive reinforcement. Keep each other honest by checking in and providing discreet nudges to discourage that second trip to the dessert table. Make workout dates with your holiday health buddy and increase your chances of showing up for that session!
• Designate yourself as the driver who will not indulge in the alcohol. You’ll build good karma and keep yourself from an alcohol-driven junk food binge.
• Think of fitness as the holiday gift you are giving yourself!
Remind yourself that good health never takes a holiday! That doesn’t mean depriving yourself of all the fun this season brings – it just means making wise choices and finding ways to counteract not-so-wise ones. You do have willpower, self-control and the ability to do the right thing for your body. So skip the second helping, put down the “fun-sized” Halloween left- overs, and get to an exercise class. You’ll start the New Year looking great and feeling incredible!
And Remember thin feels better than the treats taste in the long run!!!