Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Snowy Day

I went to see the OB this am and had an ultrasound. The baby is estimated to be about 5 pounds 5 ounces, same as Joey was at 37 weeks, so the baby will be about a 7 pound baby. Joey called the image on the ultrasound machine a puppy, I hope not!!

I ma 50% effaced, which is great news since I had to have cervadril before the petossin since my cervix was not softened at all. I may go to a shop in Worcester to buy this cream cheese that woman for years have sworn brings on labor or I may make this eggplant parm from a recipe that is used in a restaurant down south that women swear brings on labor, will have to wait and see.

After the Dr's Joey took a 3 hour nap, since we had no mommymuscle sculpt. Then he ate pasta and it was a two handed feat ---

it has been a fun snowy day, which ended with Daddy Jamming on his new guitar for the x-box, an early b-day p resent, one he deserved after dealing with the snow again. I hope we can get out tomorrow.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I LOVE the picture :) He and Kacy eat alot alike!
Here's to hoping that Baby Fisher will make an early appearance....