So Joey has decided he loves his trains and Julianna is too hard for him, we tried having him call her Baby JuJu since we have NateNate and Kaykay at StrollerFit, but he has turned that into Baby ChoCho. It is very cute when he says her nickname.
2 nights ago joey woke at 5:45 and wanted to play. Julianna was asleep and I was hoping for at least another hour with her, she slept til from 4-7 even with Joey playing chocho at the foot of the bassinet. Last night he got up at 4:30, but he had some milk abd went back to sleep between Scott and I til 7, just as Julianna decided it was time for her to eat.
I hope he goes back to sleeping on his regular schedule 7 to 7 and she starts going from 3 to 4 hours straight. I went with Julianna to StrollerFit yesterday to visit and can not wait to get back to my routine with joey. I am hoping to get back to Class soon, let him do his running at RBI's and then afternoon nap, with the hope that Julianna will Nap then too. Here's hoping.
Went to weight watchers last night and confirmed it is 4 pounds to the weight I was prejulianna, then I still need to work on the other 30 i want, I am aiming for 10 pounds at a time. will keep you posted on the weight loss and the working out.
The article in the paper has gotten me some calls and emails, so lets hope we get some new moms.
Here are my favorite photos of Joey and Julianna

check out Aunt Mary's amethyst ring, its her birth stone, but a little big.