Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mommymuscle Sculpt to be held outdoors, Strawberries and Pretzels.

Today it is to be in the 50's so we have decided to hold Mommymuscle Sculpt outside at the Washington St Park. It should be great, the moms will get a workout and the kids will get to play at the playground.

Now for my gripe on what is to be a great day. Yesterday, I bought the largest, reddest Strawberries. I put some in my cereal this am and they were either sour or tasteless. Now I know why they were on sale. Should have stuck with the sweet grapes.

Now onto a funny story from yesterday. for those of you that know me, you know, I do not enjoy baking, but I love cooking. I have been making breads in my bread machine with healthy grains and found a recipe for While wheat soft pretzels and thought I would try it. The dough was easy to make and last night Joey helped me roll them out. I did not get any pictures because we were covered as was my kitchen in flour, but they came out great. They maybe funny shaped, but they taste good and are low on points on weight watchers. More importantly Joey and I had a great time. The recipe is posted on the StrollerFit recipe website. This is a great activity for you and a child to do on a day where it is cold or rainy and you are stuck inside. It is a fun activity and edible.

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