Monday, October 12, 2009

Running the Tufts 10k and my thoughts

All day today, I had a thought or two on what I would say in my blog, but I don't remember them exactly. Let me start by thanking the moms that helped me train and trained with me for the
Tufts 10 K race for Women (since Julianna was 6 weeks old, we did a few 5K's on the way).

I did it faster than I did in years past and Congrats to Robyn for finishing her first race!!! Her husband is probably made at me, I decided it was too cold to take the kids and convinced her of the same, so we told Paul and the kids to stay home. It was a great day for a race, but too cold to sit around for a few hours (especially since the girls were sick only a few days ago). I am sorry Paul, for changing the plans, Robyn would have loved you all to be at the finish line, next time, I promise.

This leads me to an apology I owe a friend. Last spring, I was upset because a few of us ran together with the kids in the Strollers while we trained for the 5K's and 10K's and at one of the races, one of my friends decided to run without the kids. I felt blind sided by this and was upset and know I may have said some hurt full things to her. I did not mean them to be hurtful, I was hurt and lashed out in the wrong way. I said over and over my comments were all in fun, but they were my way of saying I was hurt without coming out and saying it. Since then the relationship seems strained and Joey and Julianna have suffered by not seeing the friends that they saw 5 days a week all spring and I lost a friend, or at least I feel like I have lost her. She and I talked daily and now we barely email. I do not care that she has decided not to come to class anymore, but I do miss her and I am sorry.

I am not a runner, but a swimmer and a biker. I have run for triathlons and did 5K's and the Tuft's 10K as training runs, but that was all before Joey and Julianna. Since Joey was born, all running has been done with the kids in the Stroller and I am use to running that way, but running without the kids today was like taking off the drag suit from practice in swimming. It was easier on my body and I ran a better pace which made me faster. This helped me to realize that my friend was not trying to hurt me last spring, but to make her run more enjoyable. Her children together and Stroller weigh more than mine. I now see the light and hope she will forgive me and m y stupid mouth.

As for today, the race was great and then I went for a long walk with my dad, Joey, Julianna and Raven our dog. My legs are killing me, but it was an amazing day and one I am glad I shared with Robyn and my Dad.

Hopefully my legs will feel better and I will be able to use the new moves I learned at the StrollerFit convention in class on Tuesday. We did a kettle ball workout and I used my mommymuscle bar to do the moves. Between that and the workout with Marybeth on Sunday, I have a lot of great new stuff for Mommymusclesculpt on Wed. Ladies, I hope you are ready.

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