Monday, December 7, 2009

Fitness Takes NO Holidays! --Did you know?

Did you know that.... moderate exercise is a great way to flush coritsol (stress hormone) which can make us crabby, tired and hungry for sugar!

Just one of the many reasons to keep your exercise routine up during the holidays. What are you doing to get through the holidays lighter this year?

So I pledge after being sick for 5 days to make the rest of decembers StrollerFit classes workouts that the moms and kids will enjoy and help us to flush that cortisol.

I am adding a componet to class this month.  The older kids like to do what the moms are doing so I am adding a 5-10 minute sement called kids and moms do it together.  Email me at if you have any great ideas.  My first one is going to be an obstacle course.  The winning family will get a bonus point in the Fitness takes NO Holiday Challenge and to make it fair, for those with younger children who do not run and participate (infants and those who remain in ther strollers) the winning mom during the obstacle course will get bonus points too.

Oh last weeks winner was Jennifer L, way to go Jen.  The overall winner is Tracy, can anyone catch her.  we shall see!  It is still pretty close, it is anyones to win!

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