Experience this new class format, it's a yoga workout for both parent and child. Increase self confidence, connection and more as you exercise together!8 Week Session, Wednesday's at 9 am starting July 8
Cost: $80 by June 15 ($60 if you have kids Mat), $100 after June 16 ($80 if you have the kids Mat), (Special pricing for families that will have 2 or more children participating.)
Yoga for Kids? Jonna Byars, PhD. says "our adult lives have become so rushed and over scheduled that we rarely stop and take a breath. And we often think children do not suffer from stress related symptoms. After all they do not work, pay bill, etc, so what could they possibly worry about? But even young children have worries and stress." So yes Yoga is great for kids and it is even better because it is a workout for any adult to do with a child.
StrollerFit's program is for children 3 and up and mom, dad, grandma, any adult.
Over the past decade the child hood obesity rate has doubled in children 2-5 and tripled for children 6-11. A shocking cause is lack of activity. Research has found that instilling a love of activity at a young age, children are more likely to stay at a normal weight throughout life. To help children manage their stress and fight obesity we must find a way to exercise that works to who being, including physical body, mind, heart and soul, and Yoga does this.
So again we ask, why yoga for kids? Research has found the following:
1. Children experience many of the same physical benefits as adults do from practicing yoga. Yoga strenghtens and exercises them. It makes them flexible, coordinated, balanced and less likely to suffer injury.
2. Yoga for kids enhances self-awareness. This helps the child focus.
3. Yoga for kids enhances imagination and empathy. When they stretch like a dog, balance like flamingo, breath like a bunny, or stand tall like a tree, and are asked to imagine what it would be like to be one of these forms, not only do children use their imagination, but they also develop understanding for life.
4. Yoga teaches children to move their bodies in a competitive environment. Yoga is not about being right or wrong, it is about bringing awareness to ones life. And children can work together to help each other reach their goals.
5. Yoga teaches children self-discipline. As part of the practice of Yoga, kids need to low down, hold posses, breathe or think in a certain way. Yoga encourages children to master themselves rather than waiting for an adult to control them.
6. Yoga for kids can be away to strengthen a family. Yoga is an exercise that children, parents and even grandparents can do together. As children participate with their families in Yoga they feel closer.
Through Yoga children can learn ways to relax and get control of stresses in their lives.
I am very excited to Bring StrollerFit's Mom and Tot Yoga to the Blackstone valley for children 3 and up. Mom, Dad, Grandparents, and caregivers will reap the benefits that the children will reap from this program.
I am piggy backing this class with Mommymuscle sculpt. Mom and Tot Yoga Wednesday's at 9 AM, Mommymuscle Sculpt at 9:30 AM.
1 comment:
Wow its amazing to teach children something new rather than tennis, cricket etc. And it feels good to know that parents are also taking interest to teach yoga to their children. They will find this something new and also its good for health. It will help them to increase their concentration, fitness and many other benefits. To know more on it, refer yoga for children
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