Saturday, May 30, 2009

Restore the Core Craziness and the rest of the day

Today at Restore the Core is was crazy. Lauren the Sitter had Joey, Carlos, Jose, Tyler and Sean all ranging from 22m to 3 years old. They were loud and crazy, to the point where I kept losing track of what I was doing. Thank god for Robyn and Emily who kept reminding me.

But the boys were well behaved and had a ball. Lauren said Sean was the best of the boys, which made Heather Happy.

Then it was off to BU to teach (I need a bed there, I will be there 13 days straight when all is said and done and this does not include the 3 weekends earlier this month or the 5 day class I did before memorial day weekend. Joey had a ball he swam twice, once in the big 13 foot pool. He is a fish. Both times he was blue and did not want to get out. This was after spending over an hour last Thursday with Scott, Stan, Carlos and Jose at BU's pool. My son is a fish.

After I was done with class we met Wendy at the Earth Day Concert at the Hatchell. We walked, from BU which was great, I got an extra workout in since I am not making many of my classes currently. Thank you to my instructors who make 6 weeks of working possible so I can be home with the kids the rest of the year. I am glad that StrollerFit 2 nights a week at Louisa Lake is coming along so I can get in 3 good workouts a week, 2 StrollerFit and one Restore the Core.

Joey has been asleep for hours and so is Julianna, it was a busy day so I am finishing this and going to use my mommy muscle bar before bed, maybe. I will get back to you on that.

One last thing. I just got StrollerFit on 200 shirts for a local 5K for a donation I made, what great advertising and I am setting up a both at the race. Unfortunately, it is the weekend I am away fro my brothers wedding, but I am adding the Palmer Family 5K to the events to participate in next summer!

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