Saturday, February 27, 2010

New StrollerFit Classes

A brand new facility has opened in Milford, MA ad we are goign to try out StrollerFit classes there 2 days a week for the next fw weeks to see how it works.  Come Check out the Milford Sports Center at 132 Central St, Milford, MA.

We will be holding StrollerFit Monday and Friday at 9:30 AM and Mommymusclesculpt at 9 AM on Wednesday.  Come try a class or two for free and if you join at the first class you will receive 20% off the joinikng fee and a free gift.

We are also planning for the summer and classes at Southwick Zoo and Louisa lake.  We hope you will come and join us and see what e are all about.

Don't forget we are still offering Restore the Core at the Village Congregational Church in Whitinsville Thursday's at 8 PM and Saturday's at 8:30 AM

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

what a whirlwing the last few weeks have been...

I hav not posted in a few weeks.  Between the kids and I being sick and al the crazy things we have been doing, life has been busy.

Where to start.  We wet to NY for Scott's Birthday the weekend of Janaury 30.  It was very cold when we went into NYC on sunday so we stayed inside the hotle my cousins were at, but had a great time anywa.  It was fun to watch Joey with my cousin shimon playing on the bed.  Julianna got an early b-day gift, an american girl baby doll and Joey got a plane which he loves and continues to tewll me it is going to fly to Californ (which is whre all planes go in his world).

We have been working on potty training with Joey.  He uses the potty when he gts up in the morning and at bed time, the rest of the day is hit or miss, no pun intended.  In the past few weeks he has been hysterical, one day he told me he could not pee on the potty, his peckie was broken and needed batteries, I proceeded to call Scott and Ask where do you put thebatteries in that, and we had a good laugh.  He is very literal sometimes, last week, we were home and he was in his big boy underwear and I reminded him, he was not to p in his underwaer and remember to keep them dry.  So he says, mommy the floor is wet, I peed on the floor, but my underwear is dry.  I forgot to say you need to pee in the potty, so he did what i said and kept the underwear dry.  I love potty training..

As for Julianna, she is going to be one on thursday.  She is walking a few steps on her own, she is a climber, she is climbing up the stair and if i forget to close the bottom kitchen drawer all the way she climbs in and sits in it.  She loves to draw or maybe i should say she loves to eat the crayons. 

I love having the two kids, they are so different and it is amazing to watch the grow and change.

We are into the 4th week on the StrollerFit Mommymuscle Challenge and I think the moms that are participating are getting a lot out of it.  It has been great fun.  We have gotten some new moms that are joining us and I am lookign forward to taking class outdoors.

I hae lots of pictures to post, I will try to do that tonight.