Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Red Hook Brewery 5K

Some of the StrollerFit moms and I (and some of the dads too) have decided to participate in the Red Hook Brewery 5K, and may do some others as well as the tufts 10K next fall.

Started my 5K training runs today. It was hard being that Julianna is 6 weeks old and I was pushing a stroller with her and Joey. This will only make me stronger.

Lets hope it is nice every morning so I can get my runs in, before going to do other activities.

Since many of my StrollerFit moms have joined weight watchers and StrollerFit is doing a weight loss challenge, I am working on getting my moms to participate with team StrollerFit. I will have more details on that later today.

Monday, March 30, 2009


We all remember Rocky and him yelling"Adriene" now take that tone and say "Ella" that is what Joey has been doing all day, excpet when he saw her at StrollerFit. At StrollerFit he was all about Kaykay, Ella's sister, then we get in the car and it is all about Ella again. he is very fickle.

I am off to the Dr tomorrow to get clearance to workout, can you believe, Julianna will be 6 weeks on wed, watch out ladies I am ready to kick some butt an get into shape!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


This week has been all about Poop. Joey has been watching his new DVD from Grandma "Elmo goes on the Potty or something like that and has been saying poop after he poops in his diaper. I am not trying actively to Potty Train him, but it would be nice.

He has a potty, it is green. We bought it because he was fascinated with Ella's Potty, but hers is pink and he wanted nothing to do with the green one. I was thinking I may return it and buy the pink one, but yesterday Joey went int he bathroom and said poop. Then he opened his Potty and tried to sit on it dressed. I asked if he had to poop and he said yes, so I quickly pulled the pants down and removed the clean diaper and he sat on the potty and pooped. We then had to call and tell daddy, Grandma and Mimi. All were excited. He spent the next hour walking in and out of the bathroom saying poop on potty.

Maybe he will do it again today, who knows.

Speaking of Ella she is Kacey's big sister. Kacey is usually Joey's favorite girl, but yesterday he kept saying Ella. Maybe he is putting potty training together with Ella or is he going for older women instead of the younger girls?

Yesterday afternoon we went to Old Sturbridge Village with Charlotte and Nate. It was a beautiful day for a walk and then we had a BBQ. IT was a great day and after my first full Restore the Core Class, I am feeling it today. I can not wait for more days like that, but today it is cold and rainy so we may stay in our jammies all day.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday was a busy day!!!

Thursday started off pretty slow, I prepped my dish for our monthly Strollerfriends pot luck, cleaned the sun porch of leaves and dirt tracked in by the dog and got some other work done while Julianna slept peacefully and Joey and Scott went to music class.

Then I went to Strollerfit where Charlotte kicked my butt. We had 2 new moms try class, there kids were adorable. One joined our meetup and hopefully will join StrollerFit, the other is very interested but hurt her back and got a headache so she is going to see a doctor before joining us again, I talked to her and told her once the dr ok's the back she can come to a class for free again.

Then it was pot luck at our house. The backyard was set with the outdoor toys and the kids were set to play, and then it started to rain, wouldn't you know. We had great food and this time Scott was not the only dad, Emily brought her husband, who may try StrollerFit with his boys next week. He complains like one of the girls and would fit in just right with our StrollerFit group.

After everyone left, I cleaned up and was off to my new Thursday Restore the Core class. I got thru the first series of exercises but it was tough. Then Julianna wanted to eat, so I fed her and taught at the same time. IT was a good class. and All in All a GREAT DAY!!!

Then it was home to bed!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

StrollerFit outside today

It was a bit on the windy side, but it was nice out and the kids were a bit on the cranky side all around, so we decided to check out the path behind RBI's and stay outside. We bundles the kids, sort of (someone lost a blanket, but we back tracked and found it) and went out. The push thru the field was hard work, but we scouted the landscape and found we could do some great work outside as it warms up, before we move to the parks. This would be on days that we will be unsure of the weather until we get to class.

We also discussed a health easter egg hunt. With craisins, raisins, nuts and other healthy treats. It should be fun. I am also looking into an event being held at Louisa Lake, one of the StrollerFit outdoor locations. Hopefully we can get some StrollerFit participation and advertise the program as well.

We shall see how the week progresses, for now the kids are asleep and I am keeping busy.

StrollerFit and the American Baby Faire

This weekend was the baby faire. Last year I took Joey with me, this year I took Julianna. She did great, sleeping thru most of it and being cuddles by Cindy, Nanna, Rachel and others. She helped bring a lot of business to our table. I got a nice collection of names and have 2 new people trying out class on Thursday.

As for the baby faire itself, Cindy did a great job with her talking points during our demos but the event was not as good as years past. I do not know if it was the economy or the location, but there were less people then years past and many large vendors were not there.

I ended up with a cold after the weekend, but still made it to StrollerFit with both kids on Monday. Joey was sitting in the back and decided to climb into the basket and then out the side, it was very funny. I decided since Julianna was a sleep in the carrier to put her on the floor and him in the front and then we worked out. We surprised Danielle with some moms from her moms club which was nice and I got a good workout in before having to feed Julianna.

All and all a good few days and now I am ready for another one. I am working on an Easter egg hunt for the Friday before Easter. but I am thinking, the eggs should be filled with healthy snacks, the kids do not need a lot of candy. I may task the moms to help with that.

We shall see what I come up with.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Thanks to hand me downs, which we love and gifts Julianna and Joey have clothes to last them for a while and they will be the best a pair around.

For those of you that do not know me, I am definitely not an organize freak except when it comes to the kids clothing. I like it hung in size order so when the weather changes or they are ready for the next size it is easy to find and we do not miss anything. Joey had many outfits he only war once since he had received so much and there were some he never war because they were out of season and I know this will happen with Julianna too, but we love it all.

Yesterday, we received some beautiful gifts and Danielle gave us lots of hand me downs. they are all hung and organized, but I have no more room til she grows into the next size.

Besides organizing we went to the park with our strollerfriends and were there for 2 1/2 hours, it was great fun for Joey since it was around 50 degrees and he slept well last night from the fresh air. I can not wait til we will be doing this on a daily basis.

Well we are off to StrollerFit.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mommymuscle Sculpt to be held outdoors, Strawberries and Pretzels.

Today it is to be in the 50's so we have decided to hold Mommymuscle Sculpt outside at the Washington St Park. It should be great, the moms will get a workout and the kids will get to play at the playground.

Now for my gripe on what is to be a great day. Yesterday, I bought the largest, reddest Strawberries. I put some in my cereal this am and they were either sour or tasteless. Now I know why they were on sale. Should have stuck with the sweet grapes.

Now onto a funny story from yesterday. for those of you that know me, you know, I do not enjoy baking, but I love cooking. I have been making breads in my bread machine with healthy grains and found a recipe for While wheat soft pretzels and thought I would try it. The dough was easy to make and last night Joey helped me roll them out. I did not get any pictures because we were covered as was my kitchen in flour, but they came out great. They maybe funny shaped, but they taste good and are low on points on weight watchers. More importantly Joey and I had a great time. The recipe is posted on the StrollerFit recipe website. This is a great activity for you and a child to do on a day where it is cold or rainy and you are stuck inside. It is a fun activity and edible.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Routine

Daddy went back to work and Joey, Julianna and I started our new routine.

GMA this AM while Joey and Milk and I feed Julianna. Then we had breakfast and played before getting dressed and off to run errands and to StrollerFit.

Then we got home had lunch and Joey napped for almost 3 hours, yeah. The first time in a month!!! Then Joey watched Thomas the trains while I made dinner. then me did bath, books and bed at 7 PM, right on time.

I loved going back to StrollerFit and love that Joey only watched TV for 30 minutes. When I turned it off he waved goodbye and went to play with his trucks. It was a great first day back int he game and I am hoping they keep going this way.

I got some work done and am hoping that the emails I replied will get as a few new SF moms. we have a new RTC mom and a few others interested. We love when class has lots of moms so the more moms at StrollerFit, Mommymuscle sculpt and Restore the Core the Better

First day back at StrollerFit

Julianna will be 4 weeks on Wed, and I am feeling great (except for the crick in my neck that I woke up with this am). Anyway, I decided to bring the kids to Strollerfit and do as much as I could handle.

Danielle taught a great class, I did not push my self, but my legs are feeling the squats and my arms are feeling the bicep curls. Julianna decided it was time to feed during the ab portion of the workout, so I missed most of that, but the few moves I did, were tough. Slowly but surely I will get back into the swing of things and get into great shape.

I can not wait for the weather to warm up so I can start 5K training. I know I am nuts but when I run I am in the best shape, even though I hate it...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

StrollerFit workouts and Pregnancy

Ok, Don't hate me, but the first time I got on the scale after giving birth to Julianna I had 6 pounds to lose, last week at WW they said 4, well I did it, I lost the 4, so I am back to the weight I was before finding out I was pregnant. This puts me back on track to lose the rest of the weight I wanted to lose before I got pregnant with Joey.

At today's ww meeting someone asked me what I thought the key was, I said drinking water, eating better, tracking what I ate and most of all working out with Joey at strollerfit (mommymuscle sculpt and restore the core). Now to lose the rest and get into the smaller pants!!!

I am going back to participating in class next week, but on a limited schedule until I see the dr in 2 weeks, I don't want to get in trouble for doing things I should not.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Muddy today

It was warm and we tried to go on a tour of the maple sugaring process. Julianna was cuddled in the front carrier and Joey was ready to see the stickie trees as he called it. But everyone had the same idea I did so the wait for the free tour was too long. It goes on every weekend til the end of the month, so we will try again.

since it was warm we headed to the playground, I did not care if Joey got wet and he needed to run and be outdoors. He had a ball sliding into the puddles with Daddy. they were both a mess, but it was worth it. Julianna and I watched and went for a walk in the woods. IT felt great to be outdoors. I can not wait for spring and spending lots of time outdoors.

I am hoping to hold StrollerFit this spring and coming summer at some cool places so they kids can run and have fun after class, will keep you all posted on that.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Baby Chocho Sleeps, big brother does not!!!

So Joey has decided he loves his trains and Julianna is too hard for him, we tried having him call her Baby JuJu since we have NateNate and Kaykay at StrollerFit, but he has turned that into Baby ChoCho. It is very cute when he says her nickname.

2 nights ago joey woke at 5:45 and wanted to play. Julianna was asleep and I was hoping for at least another hour with her, she slept til from 4-7 even with Joey playing chocho at the foot of the bassinet. Last night he got up at 4:30, but he had some milk abd went back to sleep between Scott and I til 7, just as Julianna decided it was time for her to eat.

I hope he goes back to sleeping on his regular schedule 7 to 7 and she starts going from 3 to 4 hours straight. I went with Julianna to StrollerFit yesterday to visit and can not wait to get back to my routine with joey. I am hoping to get back to Class soon, let him do his running at RBI's and then afternoon nap, with the hope that Julianna will Nap then too. Here's hoping.

Went to weight watchers last night and confirmed it is 4 pounds to the weight I was prejulianna, then I still need to work on the other 30 i want, I am aiming for 10 pounds at a time. will keep you posted on the weight loss and the working out.

The article in the paper has gotten me some calls and emails, so lets hope we get some new moms.

Here are my favorite photos of Joey and Julianna
check out Aunt Mary's amethyst ring, its her birth stone, but a little big.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

StrollerFit is in today's Worcester T&G Flash

So I knew the article had been written, but did not know it was going in today's paper until I got some calls about it. hopefully these moms will come to StrollerFit. This is a great article with a funny picture of a very pregnant me.


You can read the article on line and post a comment on the bottom, please do...

Monday, March 2, 2009


Ok so I am slacking, I need to upload and post the pictures, I promise I will do that tomorrow. I should have done it during the snow storm, but I was busy doing projects with Joey while Julianna slept.

I just wanted to announce the winner of the heart healthy month challenge. It was close in StrollerFit and with the bonus challenges I thought I knew who the winner would be, but in the end I was wrong. But for her crazy shoes and red clothing I have a special prize for Robyn, for the effort, even with work and the car trouble etc.

The Winner for StrollerFit was Drea and the Winner for Restore the Core was Erica, prizes to be handed out later this week. Congrats Ladies.

I am working on a new challenge for April, will get back to you.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Craziness is Over!

All is quite at the Fishers today. Julianna's baby naming was yesterday and the service was beautiful. We had a nice turn out at the Synagogue and company all day, into the evening at home. Joey was so tired he went to bed at 7:30 after he saw Aunt Mary and Uncle Bob and never moved all night. He usually moves around the crib while he sleeps, but last night any time I looked in on him, he was in the same spot.

Uncle Brian left last night (short visit, but we will see him and hopefully Aunt Kathy again soon!) Auntie JC left early this morning and Aunt Melissa and Uncle Keith Left mid morning. Grandma, Daddy and I took nap, while Joey played with his new choo choos with Papa.

It is snowing now, so we are waiting to see if Papa gets out on his flight. Grandma is here til thursday and she and I are going to hopefully get a lot of sleep while Joey and Julianna Nap, we are tired after the craziness. It was nice to see everyone, but I am glad only Papa and Grandma are left.

We took lots of pictures, I am too tired to upload and post them, but will do that later or tomorrow.