Thursday, March 11, 2010

What a Week!!!!

What a week!!!  Last week ended with us putting our dog Raven to sleep and Joey does not understand Heaven, he keeps telling us Evan stole his dog.  then to this week...

It started with Joey getting a stomach bug, so I cancelled class on monday and felt yucky without a workout, and on a day that was warm and beautiful.  I ended up taking the kids for a long walk later in the day when Joey seemed better.

Tuesday was my birthday.  What a birthday, joey gave me his stomach bug, i was sick from noon til midnight and to top it off Scott forgot my birthday.  He tried to make it up by buying me flowers but I was too sick to care.

Wed was a better day and I got tulips delivered to me from Scott.  They make up his forgetfulness a bit, but he still needs to work  bit more....

Today is is starting to get cold after 5 warms days so we are inside for StrollerFit and preparing for the rain and the crazy weekend.  I am teaching a LGT Review friday, starting a WSI class saturday and then Sunday is the Blackstone Valley Baby Expo and then sunday night is the a benefit for a little girl with a tumor.  It will be a busy few days but all great activities so today I plan to teach Strollerfit, clean the house, have a playdate with a new baby friend of Julianna's and then have dinner with a good friend.  

I wanted to remind everyone that monday is the StrollerFit Open House at Milford Sports Center at 9:30 AM, with lots of fun prizes and I have a great workout planned!!  Come and bring friends..

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