Sunday, May 31, 2009


I was all set today to write about the great day I had. I got to BU in the hopes of helping the Aquatic Director with a 3 year old child who went under last week while the instructor turned his back for a moment and missed the incident. I met Michael and we talked and I got him in the water and to float on his front and back. This all happened while my current Water safety Instructor looked on. I love when things go they way I hope. It was great to know I helped a child and he will not be an adult who is afraid of the water, his mother thought after last week he would never go in, he had refused to even go in the bath tub all week.

Then I came home to Joey who spent the day with Gen, a friend who use to lifeguard for me. Joey had slept for 14 and 1/2 hours last night so I was not sure how he would be for Gen, but it turns out, that he was great for her and he napped for 2 hours.

We had a great chicken and Zucchini dinner with Robyn, Emily and Carissa. I made a peanut butter dessert, which tasted great but came out poorly because I did not read the directions, all in all it was still yummy!

Joey, Julianna and I read books and to bed the kids went. I then did a Restore the Core Power Workout, it is killer, but I am getting better at the moves.

I just read that Danielle a StrollerFit mom finished another 5k today. I am glad she has been bitten by the bug. I hope she will join us for the tufts 10k in October

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