Monday, August 10, 2009

Things I learned this weekend

This weekend was eye opening for me. Joey is a great napper, he goes down easily when I put him down, but he is not on a set schedule. But when he does not nap he goes to bed and wakes up 2-3 hours later, ready to go. As if he just took a nap and he wants to play at 11:30. So, I realized he needs to nap even if I want to go somewhere so he sleeps thru the night!

I knew kids could eat food without teeth, Joey gummed a lot for months before his teeth came in. Well Julianna is following in his footsteps. she has eaten chicken, pancakes, mac n cheese and the tops of broccoli. She loved feeding herself too. It is amazing to see what they can do as they grow. She will be 6 months old next week and everything she does still amazes me and reminds me of all the things Joey use to do and the things that are to come.

Julianna is going to be a handful, more than her brother. She is a mover and a shaker and ready to go. I was a climber and I think she is going to follow in my footsteps. My mother wished one on me just like me and I think I got it. Thanks mom. I look forward to her growing up and hope my relationship with her is like the one I have with my mother as an adult, my mother is my best friend.

Well it is hot and humid today, so I better prepare for Strollerfit and get organized. I want to remind all the StrollerFit moms that on days like this the kids and the moms need to keep hydrated with a lot of fluids. No Moms will dehydrate or worse under my watch.

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