Thursday, March 12, 2009

StrollerFit workouts and Pregnancy

Ok, Don't hate me, but the first time I got on the scale after giving birth to Julianna I had 6 pounds to lose, last week at WW they said 4, well I did it, I lost the 4, so I am back to the weight I was before finding out I was pregnant. This puts me back on track to lose the rest of the weight I wanted to lose before I got pregnant with Joey.

At today's ww meeting someone asked me what I thought the key was, I said drinking water, eating better, tracking what I ate and most of all working out with Joey at strollerfit (mommymuscle sculpt and restore the core). Now to lose the rest and get into the smaller pants!!!

I am going back to participating in class next week, but on a limited schedule until I see the dr in 2 weeks, I don't want to get in trouble for doing things I should not.

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