Friday, April 24, 2009

What A Beautiful Day!!!

It was over 70 degrees today, yeah!!!

I started my day with a green tea shake. I will post the recipe on food blog, it was yummy!!!

We went for a run with Robin and Emily, Danielle and Ella and Kacey and Jen and Brian. It was really a great run and I loved being with the group.

Then while we stretched Joey and Kacey got soaked in the water in the empty sand box, time to get sand and get the water out. they were soaked, I felt bad because Kacey was drenched, I know Danielle was not mad at me, but still felt awful.

Then we did StrollerFit outside and had a few older siblings who worked out with us. Having them was good, but Ella and Joey wanted out of the Stroller, since The big kids were not in a stroller. We will have to work on that before summer break when they will have the older siblings more often.

We went with April, Mason and Nana Deb to the Ecotarium where there was a train that we rode. we also saw lots of animals. It was fun. We headed to the Zoo to pick up our passes for StrollerFit. we start class there on monday. I mapped out the route and the first workout, the hills will be fun. Joey and Mason chased the deer, so I know the end of class will be fun for the kids. the moms may want to kill me....The kids and I headed home, to grill dinner and then we met the Jordan's for ice cream. Joey and Nate were mesmerized guessed it Cho Choos!

Now the kids are asleep and I am working. It will be a late night but I am up for it, because tomorrow will be nice again, in the 80's and we are off to an earth day kids fest.

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