Monday, January 26, 2009

It was a tie

Last Friday, Scott had my car and I took his to the mechanic. It was to be done at 11, but at 11 it had not even been started, so I had Danielle teach for me. This turned out to be a good thing, Joey is teething and went down for a 3.5 hr nap when we would have been at class. I heard from everyone in the class that Danielle taught a great class that was fun and energized. Thank you Danielle.

Then Drea and Jayce came to play, since Joey was asleep, Jayce got to play with lots of fun toys. Toys Joey has not played with for months and now they are out and he is using them again as if he has never seen them before.

As I previously wrote, Scott and I went on a date night. The weekend was uneventful. Baby moved a lot and Joey had fun putting his hands on my belly and feeling the movement. He kept telling me the baby was hot. I ate very spicy chili on made on Sunday hoping to bring on labor, no such luck, so 3 weeks to go.

I tallied the 2nd to last week of the schedule your workout challenge and it was a tie between

Drea and Danielle.

With one week to go it is still any one's game for the grand prize. On Friday I will announce the heart healthy challenge.

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