Saturday, January 3, 2009

The New Year

Where to begin, the last few days have been a blur...New Year's eve day I canceled my final Mommymuscle Sculpt workout for the year due to snow and bad road conditions, but Joey and I "Builtahot" his way of saying we made a fire and then while he napped peacefully I got in a workout to my MMS video.

New Year's Day we had our annual holiday open house and it was loads of fun. We did pot luck and had lots of great foods. I made Potato Latkas in honor of Hanukkah and because I promise my friends they get them once a year and I can not break that promise. We had lots of great desserts, I think we had more dessert than lunch type foods, isn't that always the way, but I stayed away from the table for the most part. I tried a bit of this and a bit of that but I did not overeat and when I tested by blood sugar I was in the correct range.

We had a few funny moments, Joey the potty especially his friends training potties so I bought him one. One of our friends, Jack found him sitting on it fully dressed, thought he wanted to use it and helped him take his diaper off, after some confusion Joey came out diaper less and mooned the party, the things an 18 m old can get away with. If any of the adults had tried that, I do not know what would have happened. What a day, and a great way to start of the new year.

January 2nd, the First StrolleFit class of the year and the last at what was once Kidzkoop. We had a great workout with the Mommymuscle bar and I was feeling it the next day. An interesting converstation occurred after class while the kids played, the moms seem to all agree no more NY resolutions about food or weight or working out or for that matter anything else. I agreed sort of, I said I made the same pact with myself I made last year, to complete at least one 5 k and train and again complete the Tufts 10k in October, an event I have run in the past and love to participate in. Last year Charlotte one of my SF moms and I completed two different 5k's but never made the Tufts 10K due to both of us being pregnant and I flew home from Ohio for the SF conference the morning of the race. One mom said she always wanted to try at least one 5k, and Charlotte said to talk to her after the baby is born, so no resolutions for us, instead a pact to train and compete in a 5 k as a group of strong moms working to "Build Strong Confident Kids by building Strong Confident Moms!!!"

Speaking of the next day, we did a Restore the Core Open House, sat January 3rd, the last one was snowed out, before we start a new Session next week. I had 4 new participants and all registered, way to start the year off right. I am waiting for the emails Sunday and Monday where they tell me there muscles hurt, I love receiving them, then I know I am doing my job right and helping them begin the fitness Journey. Two have young children and two have older children but all are moms and I look forward to the conversations and the kinship the classes bring us.

Now to announce the winner of last weeks StrollerFit weekly drawing and December's Restore the Core Challenge.

Congrats to Danielle for winning the Weekly SF challenge and Heather for the RTC challenge.

Don't forget the challenge rolls on til the end of January and with mew moms joining us everyday, who knows the grand prize is still in the air and the goody bag is full of great prizes. See you in class at our new loaction RBI's in Northbridge

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