Tuesday, January 13, 2009

StrollerFit Open House

Yesterday we had 8 moms and 19 children at the StrollerFit Open House at RBI's. It was a an amazing workout, the more people we have the more energy we have the better the workout. I hope we continue to get large groups and continue to support each other and help each other become fit and fabulous while teaching our children to be healthy.

I think the kids had fun running in the big open space at the end of class, the laughter was infectious and I know they enjoyed the treat I brought.

I am getting to the point with less than 5 weeks to go where running is getting to be too much, but I got a little in, including line runs. I am happy just to be out with Joey and the moms. I also heard from one of my moms, she was not going to be late, she wants to win the challenge. I guess it has been a great motivator. I may have to challenge my moms with something new each month, I will have to think about that...

One last thing, do you know what happens when an 18m old eats lots of berries, his new favorite food, he gets purple hands, purple face and purple hair!! oh what fun for me to clean!!!

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